Sunday, November 13, 2011

Migration, conflincts and wars

It is possible that future centuries could see increased friction between nations and ethnic group as decreasing resources lead to migration and conflict. Countries would seek to control the resources, provide safety and shelter for the citizens, with any cost. In the same time, previously populated places would become uninhabitable due to heat or other factors, displacing millions of people. These refugee hordes might be corralled into semi-permanent camps or even suffer because of unwelcoming native groups.  

 One of the deadliest effects of global warming that is most frightening because it's not a natural effect but one we as humans will be directly involved in – migration, conflict and wars – as illustrated here by an image of a refugee camp in Chad.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are writing about various types of effects that global warming is having on our world. When millions people are displaced and live in an other region it puts alot of stress on the land. Following this would be inproper disposal of trash which leads to pollution. Talk about a domino effect!
